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Where to begin

Services have been designed to help meet you where you are in your journey in life. I am capable of coaching anyone, anywhere in the world, at most times of the day. Please reach out with any specific needs you may have.


Connecting Leisure to Wellness

Not everyone has a good understanding of what leisure is and how it connects to one's well-being. This brief conversation helps you explore how improving your leisure life will have lasting benefits on your physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and cognitive wellness.

Image by Brett Jordan
Image by Max Harlynking


Empowering Your Fun Self

With years of experience, I’ve slowly begun incorporating different strategies into my practice as a professional Wellness Coach. During our sessions, we’ll map your needs to come up with a program that works for you.


Navigating toward FUN

Let's face it - we all have had times in our lives in which we felt lost. Either lost in direction or in identity, it is helpful to have someone to navigate through the challenge. Leisure and recreation can be powerful tools to help during those major life transitions that impact who we are.

If you have:

  • moved to a new town (for school, job, etc.)

  • Started a new relationship or gotten married

  • Become a parent

  • experienced your last child move out of the home

  • retired from your life's work

  • lost someone you deeply cared about through death or divorce

  • acquired an injury

 then it may be time to (re)discover your fun self.

Boat Trip
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A Personal Approach

As an educator, I enjoy facilitating workshops to help people achieve personal and professional goals. 

​Topics may include:

  • Leisure Exploration

  • Time Management

  • Goal Setting

  • Leisure Resources

  • Preparing for Retirement

  • Leisure & Workplace Performance

​​I work with each group to customize a workshop that will meet the needs of the group. 


Assisting Leisure Service Providers

As an inclusive recreation consultant, I can provide a thorough assessment of strengths and limitations of leisure service providers' facilities, programs, and services. I focus on helping agencies improve access to facilities, programs and services for all people. Consultation includes an initial meeting for establishing agency needs, a physical examination of inclusivity of the facility, observation of program delivery, interviews with staff and participants, and a recommendations report based on the overall assessment findings.

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Disclaimer: Take Your Time, LLC is not counselling services. If needed, please contact me for resources.

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